
TWISTER • Bendy – 5/21/23

Don’t worry, be happy! This is a common phrase and a very catchy song performed by Pharrell Williams. Many people spend their whole life in the pursuit of happiness. The US Constitution guarantees our right to do so! The idea that happiness is attainable for more than a fleeting moment by means of worldly gain is destructive. In truth, happiness is fleeting. A new accomplishment or acquisition will bring momentary happiness, but it will not bring lasting joy. Christians fall into the false assumption that God wants them to be happy. If you accept Jesus, then everything will be hunky dory! But when a person prays for God to do something and it doesn’t happen, then the disappointment leads to believing God isn’t listening and doesn’t care. God’s desire for your life is not happiness, it’s holiness.

Scriptures – 2 Timothy 4:3-4; 1 Peter 1:15; Hebrews 10:25; Romans 6:1-2; Ecclesiastes 7:14; Philippians 4:4, 12-13; Psalm 112:1; Matthew 5:3-12; Psalm 37:4

Verses – Be just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do. (1 Pt 1:15) I know how to get along with little and how to live when I have much. I have learned the secret of being happy at all times…. I can do all things because Christ gives me strength. (Ph 4:12-13) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps 37:4)

Thought – Why isn’t your happiness #1 on God’s “to do” list? 1) When your definition of happiness causes you to sin, it isn’t God’s will. We are not to sacrifice obedience to God in the pursuit of happiness. Don’t be mistaken, God loves to give good gifts to His children, but those gifts shouldn’t cause you to sin. If you get a big raise and use the money to travel on the weekends, forgetting about worship and shirking your responsibility to give to God, then you are not using God’s blessing as He designed. 2) God doesn’t want you to hitch your happiness to your circumstances. When things are going well, you’re happy. When they aren’t, you’re not happy. Paul writes from prison in Philippians 4 that he’s learned to be content in all circumstances because God is the one who gives him strength. This is the lesson that brings true peace, contentment, joy, and happiness at all times and in all circumstances. When you recognize your relationship with God is your joy, you no longer need to pursue happiness. 3) God wants you to be blessed, more than he wants you to be happy. In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus says, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” How can mourning be a blessing? Because that person can receive the comfort of God’s blessing in a way others may never know. Finding God in the pain and loss, disappointment and discouragement brings a blessing—the blessing of God’s presence, involvement, care! There is a blessing in every season, whether things are up or down. As we delight in God, pursue Him, and follow His ways, He works in us giving us His desires. As they become our desires, we get the desires of our heart.

Questions – How has your pursuit of happiness led you to disappointment? Describe a time when you found blessings amid difficult circumstances? What do you desire that you believe would bring you happiness? How might it affect your relationship with God? Are you generally content in life? How do you personally “Take delight in the Lord”?

Response – Be thankful for God’s presence in the ups and the downs. Always look for the blessings and be thankful. Put obedience to God at the forefront of your goals and you will find the desires of your heart satisfied.

Prayer – O LORD, our Lord, your majestic name fills the earth! Your glory is higher than the heavens. (Ps 8:1) How can I not delight in You when all around I see the glory of your works. May the desires of my heart be your desires. Help me to find contentment no matter my circumstances because I know that you bring blessings in the good times and in the bad. Thank you for your love, forgiveness, and presence. I live in continual thankfulness for who you are and all you have done. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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