
THINK DIFFERENT • Strongholds – 1/16/22

If you want to change your life, start by changing your thoughts, which then will impact your words, and reflect in your actions. Words have the power of life and death. If you think you can’t, you probably won’t. If you believe your life is going to be bad, it will probably be bad. If you believe you don’t have anything to offer, you probably won’t make a difference. However, if you believe there are opportunities out there, you will see opportunities. If you believe God is with you and for you, you’ll sense God’s presence and power. Your thoughts matter. So, what do you think about? Are you worrying about the things you are facing, things you can’t control, things that may never happen? Or are you focused on peace, secure in the fact that God is in control and that whatever comes your way, God will be with you? If your thought life lends itself more to the negative than the positive, if you have more of a worldly outlook, than an eternal one, if what you drive matters more than what drives you, and you are more concerned with what people think than what God thinks, you need to THINK DIFFERENT!

Scriptures – Zechariah 13:9; Proverbs 23:7; Romans 12:2; 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Philippians 4:8; Proverbs 11:27; Isaiah 54:2

Verses – As a person thinks in their heart, so are they. (Pr 23:7) We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Co 10:5) If you search for good, you will find favor; but if you search for evil, it will find you! (Pr 11:27)

Thought – Exactly how can you begin to change your thoughts and think differently? The Apostle Paul says we must “take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” If the scenario that’s running through your mind is not in sync with God’s word, change the dialog. If you think, “I’m a loser. I don’t matter.” you need to see what God has to say about that: You are a child of the King, created by God to do great things. As you recite God’s truth over and over in your mind, you will begin to believe it, speak that truth aloud, and then start acting in a way that recognizes that truth. You must decide if the reel in your thoughts is trash or truth. If it’s trash, toss it out and replace it with God’s truth! As we replace the lies that bind us in destructive patterns, God transforms our minds and hearts. Last week you were asked to pray for a word that God would have you focus on for 2022. Now that you have that word, I ask that you seek God for a thought that expands your word. For example, if your word is “selfless,” your thought might be “less of me and more of Him.” If you let this thought run over and over in your mind, it will affect how you react and respond in life: at home, at work, in church…wherever you are. The power of the Holy Spirit can and will transform you as you focus on God’s truth in your life.

Questions – Do you usually look at the up-side of things or at the down-side? What kind of thoughts hold people captive? How do you help someone who is caught in a stronghold? Have you ever been held captive by a lie? How did you overcome the situation? Do you now have any thoughts that are holding you back? What are you going to do about it? What “thought” will you will associate with your “word” for 2022?

Response – If you haven’t prayed for a word for 2022, spend time seeking God for that direction. Then pray for a thought, a phrase that expands on your word and begin thinking about what it can mean in your life. Start applying that thought in your day-to-day interactions.

Prayer – Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for the spiritual weapons you have given me to fight the lies of the enemy. Help me to rely on the divine power you have given your children. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. (Ps 19:14) In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen!

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