
THINK DIFFERENT • Control – 2/6/22

What comes into your mind, comes into your life. It’s impossible to live a positive life when you’re consumed with negative thoughts. Likewise, when your thinking is wrong or you believe things that aren’t true, you are held captive by misinformation/lies. As a Christian you have supernatural weapons from God to fight the enemy’s attack on the mind, power to take control of your thoughts. Any thought that’s inconsistent with the truth of God’s Word must be taken prisoner by you! You aren’t the prisoner, you are a conquerer through Christ. We know that the brain has neural pathways. The more you think a thought, the more it becomes ingrained in your mind. It becomes easier and easier to think that thought. We are often guilty of cognitive bias, a mistake in reasoning based on personal preferences or beliefs. So you have a mental filter that is not necessarily accurate. Your upbringing, experiences, the influence of others and many more things create your cognitive bias. It colors and often distorts how you see the world. You may make wrong decisions based on your cognitive bias. You must reframe your thinking, create a different way of looking at a situation, a person, a relationship.

Scriptures – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5; Philippians 1:12-14

Verses – For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Co 10:3-5)

Thought – Paul went to Rome planning to preach the gospel and reach world leaders for Christ. He knew this was a chance to help spread the Gospel around the world. This was his prayer and his plan. In Rome, he was imprisioned and chained to a guard while awaiting trial and possible execution. His trip in no way turned out the way he hoped and planned. Although, he could not control his situation, he could control how he framed it. In Philippians 1:12-14, Paul shares that his chains have been profitable for the spreading of the Gospel. He reframes a bad situation into a gift and blessing. How can you reframe a terrible, awful, horrible situation. Here are a few things that will help. First, thank God for what didn’t happen. Things could always be worse. If your car won’t start, be thankful it didn’t break down on the interstate in heavy traffic. Something worse could have always happened. Secondly, decide how you will frame your situations before they happen. Decide to focus on the right thing in the midst of difficulty. For example: God is with me and for me. God gives me strength in every situation. I am a child of God, no weapon formed against me will prosper. Face each day with confidence in God’s ability to take care of you. And lastly, look for the good. Good things can come out of the worst circumstances. If you just look, you will see where God is working. When you look for goodness, your attitude will change, your perspective will change and your impact will change.

Questions – What cognitive biases do you have? How did they develop? How do your actions reflect cognitive biases that are negative and harmful? How do you battle against a thinking process that is trained and flawed? What new neural pathway of thought do you need to formulate that is consistent with God’s Word about you?

Response – Talk with Christian friends about what cognitive biases they may see in you. Ask God to help you reframe your thought process through the filter of His Word. 

Prayer – Gracious Lord, thank you for the truth of your Word. Strengthen my faith and help me to experience your power in my thoughts, my words and my actions. May I be a blessing to those around me and a positive influence for your kingdom. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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