
THE MATRIX • The Choice is Yours – 10/31/21

The two most powerful forces on the human soul are acceptance and rejection. One causes you to move toward it and the other causes you to move away. Every word, action, nonverbal message sent, relays either a sense of acceptance or rejection. These forces are working day in and day out. Our hearts are drawn toward an environment of acceptance. When there’s some inner turmoil, some people find a diversion in their work when the work environment is more accepting than the home environment. Affairs often develop through work relationships, because a person feels more accepted and understood by a co-worker than by their spouse. Some people overschedule their lives and are always running here and there because in so doing there is a sense of being needed, valued, accepted. Kids often prefer spending time with their friends and are more influenced by their friends than their family, because they feel accepted by their friends. As a church we are called to accept one another. How can we hope to share the Good News of Jesus if we do not accept people for who they are and where they are. Christ-followers/Church, we have to keep it simple…love God, love people!

Scriptures – Jn 10:10; Mt 6:10; Ro 15:5-9

Verses – Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. (Mt 6:10) Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to being praise to God.

Thought – The church is to be a unique place where people can come and even though they don’t believe what we believe, don’t know the songs, don’t know the Bible stories, they feel accepted. The problem is that we are often better rejectors than acceptors. The matrix of the world quickly rejects those who don’t fit their desired profile. But as Christ-followers we are to remember what God did for us, and how he reached down and accepted us while we were still sinners. Acceptance is shown through actions and attitudes. You show acceptance by helping someone, giving yourself away, meeting another person’s needs. You show acceptance by listening, opening you ears, eyes and heart to find out what’s going on in their life. You show acceptance by validating a person’s feelings. Consider what it is like to be that person. You show acceptance through encouragement. Everyone needs to be encouraged. Acceptance draws others toward you. When you think about how God accepted you, who are you to reject someone else?

Questions – Are people drawn toward you? Explain. Is it hard for you to accept those who have different political views than you? Is it hard for you to accept those who look, dress or talk differently than you? Is it hard for you to accept those whose lives are mired in sinful practices? What type of person is it hardest for you to accept? What are some practices you need to develop in order to show others that you accept them?

Response – Think about the fact that if you had been the only one who needed God’s forgiveness, Jesus would still have died for you. Thank God that his grace reached down to you! Think about someone you need to extend acceptance to.

Prayer – Loving Father, thank you for accepting me where I was and for receiving me into your family. Your grace and mercy continue to reach down to the undeserving with an invitation to become your sons and daughters! Help us as Christ-followers, as the Church of Jesus Christ, to be true representatives of the Gospel; help those who come to hear the Good News know they are loved and accepted. May they be continually drawn toward you because of our love and may they come to know you as Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen. 

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