
THE MATRIX • Rabbit Hole – 10/24/21

We live in a world where people step on each other. There doesn’t seem to be much forgiveness or grace. In the news we see people set aside and ostracized on a daily basis because of something they did or something they said. There’s a time to confront, protect and hold people accountable, and forgiveness is not always easy. However, forgiveness is fundamental to faithfully following Jesus. It’s the only way to restore a relationship and the only way to maintain community. As Christians we have been given forgiveness for our sins past, present and future. God knows we are going to mess up, but if we are striving to live according to his word and seeking his plan for our lives, we have no fear of his wrath or retribution. He is gracious and takes into account our human failings. We expect this from God and know we can count on him, however, can he count on us to forgive others and extend grace as he’s done for us? 

Scriptures – Jn 10:10; Ep 3:10-11, 4:31-32

Verses – God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers and authorities in the heavenly places. This was his eternal plan, which he carried out through Christ Jesus our Lord. (Ep 3:10-11) Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. (Ep 4:31-32)

Thought – Paul writes to the Ephesians on the topic of forgiveness while he’s awaiting trial for a crime he didn’t commit. His enemies continue to delay the trial because there is no real evidence to convict him, but they can keep him locked up by delaying. Paul has been stripped and beaten. If anyone had a right to be angry, resentful and filled with hate, Paul certainly seems to have plenty of reasons. However, he tells the church that they must “get rid” of every form of malice by forgiving. It’s not determined on a case-by-case basis, it’s not optional. It’s part of the code by which Christians are called to live. In the Greek, the verb-translated “get rid of” has the intensity of getting out of a spider’s web. You want it off, and now! All too often we hold a grudge and harbor anger and bitterness (like hanging out in a spider web). It’s not a good place to be, we need to free ourselves from the hold it has on us. God calls us to remember what he’s done for us, though we didn’t deserve his love and forgiveness, he gave it, and continues to offer it. He calls us to do the same for others, and it is possible through Christ!

Questions – Do you by nature quickly forgive and let things go or hold on? What affect does bitterness and anger have on you mentally, emotionally and physically? How difficult is it to forgive when the one who hurt you does not apologize? Forgiveness is usually a process; how do you work through forgiveness? How quickly do you ask forgiveness when you hurt someone? Have you ever had someone say they can’t forgive you? If so, how did you deal with that?

Response – If there is someone you have anger or bitterness toward, how can you begin to let go of the hurt you are harboring. You may need to go to them and clear the air, or you may simply and humbly need to go to God and release your pain to him. Do whatever needs to be done to rid yourself of unforgiveness.

Prayer – Dear Lord, in my own power I cannot let go of the hurts and pains that have happened in my life, but I ask that in your strength I can move toward freedom and let go of the bad feelings that plague my mind and steal my peace. Help me to see those who have hurt me as you see them, to extend grace as you have extended grace to me, and to forgive as I have been forgiven. Free me; I pray in Jesus Name, amen!

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