Call of Duty Final Fronts

Nehemiah came to Jerusalem to rebuild the city’s walls, which were in ruins. Although it seemed this construction project was his sole mission, in reality he also had a spiritual construction project in mind. The work on the walls was completed in just 52 days. What had seemed...
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Shiny Happy People

It’s amazing that two people can be in the exact same circumstances…job, school, neighborhood, church, and one is filled with gratitude while the other complains. Why? Because the complainer perceives that what they have is owed to them; they are entitled. The other sees what...
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GOD ONDEMAND – More Bandwidth (Bigger is Better)

During the time of Gideon, the Israelites had done evil in the Lord’s sight; they worshipped other gods and abandoned the Lord God who had saved them from slavery, parted the Red Sea and fed them in the wilderness for forty years. So He handed them over to the Midianites for...
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Week Two – ONE Life

King Hezekiah led ONE incredible life in which he served the ONE true God with all his heart. When he received a letter that threatened the safety and future of Jerusalem, he turned to God. He spread out the letter before God. He poured out his heart in prayer, and God answered...
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