Deep – Oceans

Are you a giver or a taker? Do you get to get, or do you get to give? One of the earliest arguments children have is over their possessions. “Mine, Mine!” The struggle begins at an early age and society does not make the battle easy. Often our self-worth is closely tied to our...
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Deep – Poseidon Adventure

Paul faced many difficulties, one of which was a shipwreck while in transport to Rome for trial. The trip had been delayed due to weather and the crew was pressing to reach a port of safe harbor for the winter. The journey was unseasonably risky and Paul had received a message...
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Deep – Master and Commander

Simon Peter was raised in the Jewish synagogue. He would have attended Jewish school, and just like all the other boys, he would have hoped and dreamed of excelling in his studies and being chosen by a rabbi to become a follower. However, he was not at the top of the class; he...
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Game of Thrones – Throne Exchange

Easter is the celebration of the ultimate exchange. The resurrection of Jesus Christ guaranteed the exchange of our certain death due to sin for a new reality—forgiveness and eternal life! That’s a trade worth celebrating! Scriptures Je 29:11; Jn 3:16; Pr 14:12; Rom 5:6, 3:23-24;...
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Game of Thrones – Checkmate

From the moment you get up in the morning until your head hits the pillow at night, you face many decisions. Wheat or white toast? Scrambled or over easy? Four or six shots of espresso? Most are routine and the outcome fairly insignificant; however, other decisions a...
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Stronger Belief

The church at Corinth was struggling with quarrels and disputes among its members. Some people were Jewish in background, others were Gentile. People had varying beliefs which stemmed from their history, customs and traditions. Some had celebrated the Lord’s Day on Saturday,...
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Stronger in Love

Jesus shares three consecutive stories about lost things in Luke 15. These stories share a plot line that centers not only on something that has been lost, but in each case it has such great value that an all-out search ensues to recover it. After the lost sheep, coin and son are...
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Game of Thrones – Peace on the Throne

Who or what is ruling your heart this Christmas. Is it stress over all you need to do, what presents to buy, how much to spend? Is it worry over health issues, finances or work situations? Is it concern for family and friends who are going through difficulty or a time of need? Is...
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Game of Thrones – Abdicating the Throne

Jesus abdicated his throne in heaven and came to earth so that salvation could be freely available to you and me and to all humanity. Jesus paid with his life. Although salvation costs us nothing to receive, it demands everything in return. You cannot truly receive Christ and...
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