Stronger Salt

Why did Jesus tell Christians that they are the “salt of the earth”? It is a curious statement, but when we look at the importance of salt, His meaning becomes clear. Salt is essential to all mammals. It exists in our blood, sweat and tears. It enhances the taste of food and...
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Stronger in Love

Jesus shares three consecutive stories about lost things in Luke 15. These stories share a plot line that centers not only on something that has been lost, but in each case it has such great value that an all-out search ensues to recover it. After the lost sheep, coin and son are...
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Breaking Bad – Gluttony

Gluttony is the sin of overindulgence. We often associate it with excessive eating and drinking, but at its core it is an addiction to anything that provides a fix. It may be drugs, alcohol, food, cigarettes, exercise, sex, shopping, work or video games. Gluttony consumes to the...
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Life – Work Life

Chances are that in the course of your life you will spend more time working than with your spouse, family, eating, relaxing, recreating and vacationing combined. Unfortunately 80% of people are dissatisfied with their jobs. Since work is such a big part of life, there should be...
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The idea of submission does not align with our human desires. In the past, wedding vows included words like “submit” and “obey”, which have for the most part been replaced by more palatable terms. In a self-absorbed, self-gratifying society submission is distasteful, to say the...
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Covalent Bond

This week Paul adds another component of our God-given DNA as Christians and as the church—acceptance. We all know people who have had a bad experience in the church and with Christians in general. Often non-believers feel they are expected to change in order to be accepted....
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Cross Roads of Doubt

Although Thomas had been with Jesus throughout his earthly ministry and had witnessed many miracles, he had doubts about the resurrection. His friends had seen Jesus and gave an eyewitness account, but Thomas still refused to believe without first-hand experience. He had to...
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In today’s crossroad experience Jesus encounters a man by the pool at Bethesda. People with every kind of illness and physical impairment came from far and near because they believed miraculous cures would happen here. According to tradition an angel would occasionally stir the...
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Overseas Highway

The disciples were with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee when a storm quickly arose and threatened to capsize their small boat (Mk 44:35-40). After a long day of ministry, Jesus was exhausted and sleeping peacefully while the boat was tossed about in the surge. The disciples were...
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