
PERSPECTIVE • Vanishing Points – 4/30/23

People used to believe the earth was flat and feared that sailing too far out into the ocean would cause you to fall off the earth. As we know, the curve of earth causes that illusion because it’s round. How many times do we live in fear or under false notions because we aren’t seeing things as they really are. On the road to Emmaus, two of Jesus’ followers walked and talked with him without knowing his identity. They had heard the stories of the empty tomb and all the rumors, but they hadn’t seen it and they chose not to believe it. As evening approached the two invited Jesus (yet unbeknown to them) to spend the night at their lodging. When they shared the evening meal together and he broke the bread, their eyes were opened, and they knew it was the risen Lord. They were escaping Jerusalem, getting away from the painful reminders, the loss, the disappointment of losing their Lord, now they realize that although he was in fact crucified, dead and was buried, the entire situation has changed, because he is God, he is who he said he was. Their perspective is totally changed.

Scriptures – Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 13:2; Luke 19:13-33

Verse – On that same day, two disciples were traveling to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem. They were talking to each other about everything that had happened. While they were discussing these things, Jesus himself arrived and joined them on their journey. They were prevented from recognizing him. (Luke 24:13-16) When he was at the table, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?” They got up and returned at once to Jerusalem. (Luke 24:30-33)

Thought – The experience of the two men makes it clear that the circumstances we face are not as important as the conclusions we draw. In order to reach others we need to speak truth into their lives, perspective. But notice that Jesus didn’t immediately jump in and try to resolve their problems. Likewise, we need to be there for those around us, those we walk with. We need to be willing to stay on the road with them and listen to them. Jesus did challenge their assumptions, but not before he walked with them and listened. In addition, Jesus didn’t say, “No big deal!” “Get over it, move on.” But he did refocus their perspective. They were commiserating, longing for what could have been. They were reflecting on what they’d hoped for, believed in. They had thought Jesus would rule and change everything. Jesus did change everything, but not without dying on the cross. What happened, did happen, but how they reacted to it brought them to a distorted conclusion. How much misery and sorrow they experienced because they didn’t believe what the prophets had spoken, what Jesus had told them. It’s all about perspective. It’s all about hope. Don’t suffer under the weight of a future, a perspective that’s untrue. The Bible starts with creation, sin, the fall, but it ends with Jesus ruling and reigning forever. It all works out in the end. You’re meant to live in the power of the resurrection. That power should affect every area of your life. So, it hasn’t worked out so far, that just means it’s not the end. The same power that brought Jesus out of the tomb is available every day; it’s living breathing hope.

Questions – When has God brought about a conclusion you never thought possible while you were going through the circumstances? How difficult is it to walk with people when you clearly see their distorted perspective? How do you help someone see things from a different viewpoint? Do you have sorrows over what could have been? (Explain) How do you stay focused on the victorious finale during difficult times?

Response – Write down an experience that left you disappointed, feeling that the present is not what you hoped for. Take a different perspective. How has God’s hand worked even though things didn’t turn out as you hoped? 

Prayer – Dear Lord, help me to live each day looking at the potential and possibility of what your power can do in every area of my life. I know what you have done, and what you can do. Remind me, Lord! Keep me faithful! In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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