
IF • What If You Lived With Passion? – 3/6/22

Each day is a gift from God. If you started living as if you are dying (and you are, we all are) you would embrace every opportunity with passion. Time ticks away. It is your most precious commodity. You never get it back. You have one and only one life. How you live it will make all the difference. People live one of two ways, either by the world’s values or by God’s values. Some are running around busy all the time, but there’s not much to show for all the busyness. Others are using their life to do good, to serve others, to advance God’s kingdom. You were created on purpose for a purpose. God made you to have a relationship with him. If you don’t get this, you miss the whole point of life. This life is preparation for eternity. When you die, your body dies, but your soul enters eternity to live forever either with God or without God, based on your faith in Jesus Christ. God is more interested in preparing you for eternity than in simply making you happy right now. God wants you to experience joy, life to the fullest, but not at the expense of being unprepared for eternity.

Scriptures – Ephesians 5:15-16; James 4:14; Psalm 90:12; 2 Thessalonians 3:11-13; Ephesians 1:4-5, 10; Ecclesiastes 3:11; John 1:12; Colossians 4:5; Acts 20:24; 1 Corinthians 6:20; Romans 14:12; 1 Timothy 6:18-19; Luke 16:9

Verses – Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. (Ep 5:15-16) But life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus. (Acts 20:24) So then each of us will give an account of ourselves to God. (Ro 14:12)

Thought – You prepare for eternity by first getting to know God. You must accept His forgiveness and the salvation He offers through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ. Once you make that connection, you begin to begin building a relationship with Him by spending time with Him (prayer, Bible reading, devotion, fellowship with other believers). You become part of God’s family and begin using what He’s given you with a focus on eternity. You do this by serving God with your time, talents and treasure. How is what you are doing now going to make a difference 5/10/20 years from now, or in eternity? Evaluate yourself. What are you doing with your time that is going to count? How are you using your talents to serve others? What about your investments? You will leave all your money, possessions, things behind when you enter eternity. The only way to buy stock for eternity is to invest in God’s kingdom. What you do with your treasure has exponential potential to change a life even 100 years from now. For those who are believers, judgement won’t be about whether they go to heaven, it will be about what they did with their one and only life and with what God entrusted to them.

Questions – If you did a breakdown of your time, what are the top 10 things you spend your time doing? Is anything relating to God in your top 10? What are you now doing that will make a difference 5/10/20 years from now, or for eternity? If you gave an account to God today of your use of the time, talents and treasure He’s given you, how well do you think you’d do? What is one thing you need to do to increase your eternal portfolio?

Response – Log your day according to time spent on all activities. Do this for a few days and assess what you are doing that has eternal value.

Prayer – Lord, I want to serve your purpose all the days of my life. May my heavenly account be filled with an abundant harvest. Give me the wisdom and strength to use all that you’ve given me to bring about the greatest return for your kingdom. Thank you for adopting me into your family. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

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