
I-THINK – Think Different

We weren’t born knowing how to make good decisions; it’s a learning and growing process. As we work through the maze of life with its twists and turns, the decisions we make will determine whether or not we exit successfully on the other side. Good decisions make the journey fulfilling and take us on the path that’s best for us. Our beliefs and values heavily influence the decisions we make and another powerful component in the decision-making process is personality. God created each of us as unique individuals who respond to and process information differently. Your personality brings a bias to your decision-making. It’s important to look closely at your personality and determine how it positively and negatively affects your decisions. Honest assessment can lead to positive change.

Ps 119:66; 1 Pet 1:13; 1 Cor 13:4-8; Eph 4:32; Eph 4:15; Joshua 24:15

Teach me knowledge and good judgment, for I trust your commands. (Ps 119:66)

What kind of decision-maker are you? Are you Impulsive, making snap decisions and quick judgments? Do you think that any decision is better than no decision? The fact is, good decision-making most often requires a waiting period. Involve a friend in your decision; spend time with God each day seeking his guidance. Maybe you are a Thinker who tends to rationalize decisions with total disregard for the effect your choices have on others. The Apostle Paul was a thinker who persecuted Christians before his conversion. He later writes, be kind to each other, tenderhearted… Thinkers need to repeat those words over and over each day. They need to ask a Christian friend to hold them accountable. Some of you are Feelers who feel so deeply that the fear of offending or hurting another person holds you hostage. You often fail to stand up for what is right because of your concern for the feelings of others. Feelers need to learn to speak the truth in love (Eph 4:15). Read the Gospels and model Jesus. He displayed the perfect balance of compassion and determination. And, to some extent, many of us are Procrastinators, but a person who functions totally in this mode puts everything off. Not deciding on anything isn’t a decision-making process; it’s avoidance that can lead to many negative outcomes. If you tend to procrastinate, set a decision date, ask a Christian friend to hold you accountable. Seek God’s guidance. With the power of God’s Holy Spirit change can happen!

Which type of decision-maker are you most like or what combination? Share an example of a decision you’ve made that exemplifies the process. What do you think your friends and family would say about how you make decisions? When you are faced with an important decision what’s your first thought? Do you tell someone else right away or tend to keep it to yourself? Why? What are the steps to a good-decision?

Ask a Christian friend how they would characterize your decision-making process in light of the four types discussed here. The next time you have an important decision, make a list of the positives and negatives, ask a Christian friend for input, pray about it, and make a God-honoring decision.

Dear God, decisions weigh me down with stress. I want to rest in you. I want to release them all to your control. I want to change and to make God-honoring decisions in all that I do so that I can leave them in your hands knowing that nothing is too difficult for you. Thank you for your never-ending love and patience with me. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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