Mission: To provide opportunities for All Attendees of FF to experience spiritual growth, fellowship and care through participation in a Life Group.

Life Groups are the small groups at Faith Fellowship. Some meet weekly and others have varying schedules. They meet in homes, at church and in a variety of settings. Several of the groups base their lesson and discussion around the previous Sunday’s message. Being part of a Life Group is a way to get acquainted with others and to grow Christian relationships. Life Groups encourage spiritual growth, accountability, fellowship and support. Without a point of connection it’s easy to drift in and out on Sunday and to comfortably become a consumer Christian–no connection, no service, no accountability.

New group options are available periodically, or you can jump in with one of the groups that is currently meeting. If you have an interest in starting a group for people in your age and stage of life or for those with similar interests of hobbies, talk with one of the staff about getting something new started! Why not give it a try! You aren’t signing on for life….. but you might be signing on for a life-change and for spiritual growth that you don’t want to miss.