
Fashion Statement – Wardrobe Malfunction

Have you ever seen someone and thought, “What were they thinking when they got dressed today?” The clothing some people wear is an affront to our fashion sensitivity. Some people were in style 20 years ago, but didn’t get the memo that the style has changed. Others evidently avoid the mirror or are unable to see what others see as poor taste, bad judgment or outright indecency. Why do we wear clothes? Sure, we like fashion and like to change our look by what we wear, but the main reason we wear clothing is to cover our nakedness, our sin. This tracks back to Genesis and Adam and Eve in the garden. They were naked and uninhibited, but then they sinned and recognized their nakedness and shame; they covered themselves with fig leaves and hid from the presence of God. We still cover up; we still hide. We hope our clothing covers our nakedness and that what people see on the outside is acceptable. If you are a Christian you are called to put on Jesus everyday in every place and in every aspect of your life. How are you wearing Jesus?

Scriptures – Gn 3:7; Is 61:10, 64:6; Mt 5:16, 23:28; Ro 13:14; Ga 3:26-27; 1 Ti 4:7-8

So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. (Ga 3:26-27) In the same way your light must shine before people, so that they will see the good things you do and praise your Father in heaven. (Mt 5:16)

As a Christian it is a challenge to wear Jesus in our culture. You truly are a supermodel! This has nothing to do with your height, weight or physical features; it has everything to do with the way you model Christ. When you claim Christ as Lord and Savior you are modeling authenticity, marriage, parenting, finances, faith, work ethic and morality in everything you do—at work, at school, at lunch, on the athletic field, on a date, on your social media posts, whenever and wherever you go. Some try to tailor Jesus to their will, but they have it backwards. Jesus needs to tailor your life to his will. Some sport a vintage faith. They count on the faith of their parents, friends, or maybe their own experience from long ago, but nothing that is real and relevant. Others just wear Jesus on the outside where he’s easy to put off and on depending of the situation. They look fine on Sunday although the fit is uncomfortable and fake. They fool some, but not themselves or a Holy God. Some wear their relationship with Jesus very casually. They are committed when it works for them and uncommitted when something else comes along. Others keep Jesus for emergency purposes, like the extra coat you keep in the car in case you break down in the winter. They put him on when life is tough and crisis hits. The only way to wear Jesus is to allow his love, grace and mercy to shine from the inside out. It must be genuine and reflect his image. Christians, you have a robe of righteousness perfectly tailored just for you! Put it on!

Consider the runway impression you have made this past week with family and friends. What would they say about your faith, based on your attitude and actions? What should you have done differently? What is an authentic Christian? Are you an authentic Christian? Even authentic Christians fail and make mistakes, how does the world perceive this? Why does the world think Christians should be perfect? What do you find to be offensive in other Christians that damages the world’s impression of Christians as a whole? How do you need God’s help in tailoring your life to reflect His image?

Examine your actions and attitude over the past few weeks. Consider how the image of Jesus was reflected in positive ways or how it may have been damaged. Stop and think before you speak and act. What would Jesus say or not say? What would Jesus do or not do? Ask for God’s help and put it into practice.

My gracious Lord and Father, thank you for making me worthy of your righteousness through Christ. Help me to reflect the grace, love and mercy that you offer to all who turn to you. Allow me to be a light to those who don’t know you and keep me from being a bad example of what a Christian should be. I don’t want to hinder anyone from coming to you. May I be a door and not an obstacle. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.

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