

The blind men in Matthew’s account could have wallowed in self-pity. It would have been easy for them to focus on their troubles and be blind to a solution…”Poor me, I can’t work; all I can do is beg. I’ll never have a normal life and family.” And in their culture, it was widely believed that their malady was the result of sin, either on their part or their parents’, so there was a great deal of shame associated with their blindness. However, they could hear, and they had heard about Jesus. They could walk, so they found out where he was going to be and they went to him. They met him face to face and refused to go away without a touch from his hand. When they walked out of that house they had their sight! They were healed! Their faith, persistence and actions resulted in a miracle!

Mt 9:27-30; Hb 11:6; Hb 11:1; Col 4:2; Js 2:22; Dan 3:17-18

As Jesus went on from there, two blind men followed him, calling out, “Have mercy on us, Son of David!” When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied. Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith let it be done to you”; and their sight was restored….(Mt 9:27-30)

There are crossroads in life when we need a touch from God. It may be physical, emotional, relational, vocational or spiritual. We pray and say we believe God will answer our prayers, but is our faith in God’s power expressed by our persistence and by our actions? Faith that honors God persists in prayer (Col 4:2). Continue to seek God and thank him for what he is going to do! Faith that honors God compels us to action even when it doesn’t make sense. We need to do what we are capable of doing and use what we have and move forward in faith. Even if you’ve been praying for something for a long time, don’t give up. There are some things you can’t do, but there are certainly things you can do. When your faith mixes with your persistence and actions, God responds! Remember he may not give you the answer you want, but He always has your best interest in mind.

When Jesus asks you “Do you believe that I am able to do this?”, regarding the miracle you need, what will be your response? Is there a situation that you prayed for resolution for a long time and it finally came? Is there a situation that you prayed for resolution for a long time and finally gave up? How persistent are you in prayer? When you say, “I’ve been praying about that,” does that mean a couple of times or a few times each day…day after day…week after week? What does it say about your faith if you aren’t praying with persistence? What are you praying for now? What actions would move you forward in faith regarding that prayer?

Set up a reminder to pray for what is on your heart. For example, pray each time you eat or when you take a drink of water or each time you look in a mirror. Think of 2 or 3 things you can “do” to demonstrate your faith in what you are praying God will do and then move forward.

Help me, Lord, to demonstrate my faith in your power by being persistent in my prayers regarding _____________(fill in the blank). Strengthen me to move forward with faith in you, believing you can do what I cannot see! In Jesus name I pray, Amen.

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