
DO YOU HEAR WHAT I HEAR? • Let us bring Him silver and gold! 12/26/21

There is a line in the song, “Do You Hear What I Hear?” that says, “Let us bring him silver and gold.” It has a nice ring to it but I remember the gifts in the story were: gold, frankincense and myrrh. This part of the Christmas story is about the mysterious travelers who brought expensive gifts to Jesus. These men who came from the east are commonly referred to as Wise Men. It’s interesting that their story is only told in Matthew’s Gospel. Matthew, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, had been given a purpose for writing the New Testament book named after him. His purpose was to present Jesus Christ as King and rightful heir to the throne of King David. It’s no wonder that Matthew shares the story of men who came from the royal courts of kings in the lands east of Bethlehem. Their visit to see Jesus and King Herod’s reaction to their visit illustrates that Jesus has a rightful place of prominence among all kings. We read this about Jesus Christ’s return to earth someday: On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:16 On that day, Jesus will wear a banner across His robe with a title emblazoned on it that symbolizes his absolute sovereignty over all human rulers and all human beings.  

Scriptures – Matthew 2:1-12, 2:16; Philippians 2:9-11; Revelation 19:16

Verse – Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Matthew 2:11b

Thought – When the Wise Men finally found Jesus, we can only wonder if they were disappointed in any way. After all they had been through on their long and treacherous journey, did what they find seem anti-climactic? It might have seemed that way because he didn’t look like a king. His home didn’t look like a palace. He had no crown on his head. There was nothing to make you think Jesus was a king destined to rule over all creation someday. To the natural eye, he was nothing more than a young child born in poverty. But to the Wise Men he was truly a King. Somehow these Wise Men saw beyond the present time and into the future and, in faith, they worshipped him. They saw that this child would one day rule all of creation as Lord of lords and King of kings. That’s why they weren’t ashamed to humble themselves and bow down and worship him. When the Wise Men met King Herod we don’t read that they bowed down and worshipped him. The worship King Herod so desperately wanted went to Jesus instead. It has been said that true worship involves giving and giving seems to be the part of this Christmas story for which the Wise Men are most remembered.

Questions: 1. Do you have a nativity scene that you display at Christmas? 2. What if any family memories are associated with it? 3. If you had been with the Wise Men looking for King Jesus, what would you have thought about finding Him in such humble circumstances? 4. In your mind, what was guiding the Magi or Wise Men to where Jesus was located? 5. What would you tell someone is the greatest gift anyone can offer King Jesus? 6. Why do you think more people are not “looking” for Jesus today?

Response – Read Matthew’s version of the Christmas story and take some time thinking about how you would have responded to the sights, sounds and encounters the Wise Men experienced.

Prayer – Dear Jesus, I know that You are the King of kings and Lord of lords and I bow my heart to You. I humbly lay my life before You. I want to honor and serve You all the days of my life and bring glory to my King now and forever. Amen.

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