
Distance – Happiness – 5/24/20

We want to be happy. God placed a desire within us for happiness, for joy. Even the preamble to our Constitution promises each of us an opportunity for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” What is happiness. The root word traces back to happenstance, which is something that happens. Too often we rely on our circumstances to bring us happiness. This philosophy leads to a roller coaster of highs, lows and lots of disappointment. So much in life doesn’t turn out the way we plan. We imagine the way we want something to turn out…a loving marriage with a nice home, two healthy children, a yard and a dog, or perhaps the power job complete with status, sports car and exotic travel. However, nothing is without its complications, stressors, challenges. When things don’t turn out as we plan, we are bummed out, stressed out, and happiness ebbs away. That’s life! Whatever you want in life that you think will bring happiness, comes with its own set of problems. So how do we grasp authentic happiness, deeply rooted joy, that remains within when the circumstances without let us down?

Ac 16:25; Ph 1:1-6, 2:5-7, 4:4

I pray that God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ will be kind to you and will bless you with peace! Every time I think of you, I thank my God. And whenever I mention you in my prayers, it makes me happy. This is because you have taken part with me in spreading the good news from the first day you heard about it. God is the one who began this good work in you, and I am certain that he won’t stop before it is complete on the day that Christ Jesus returns. (Ph 1: 2-6) In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus. Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant… (Ph 2:5-7) Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice. (Ph 4:4)

After Paul’s dramatic conversion he served God with passion and perseverance. He suffered beatings, imprisonment, shipwreck and continual threats for the sake of the gospel. Much of the New Testament was written by Paul, and as we read it we never sense that Paul lost his happiness or his joy because of his suffering. His joy was deeply rooted. In his letter to the Philippians (1:1) he identifies himself as Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus. Servanthood was the bottom of the social ladder, a foreign idea in Philippi where the culture valued the pursuit of honor, self-advancement and prosperity. Yet, Paul’s joy was rooted in serving others, in his relationships. First was his relationship with God. His life had meaning and purpose because he served Jesus Christ and was totally devoted to the gospel. Secondly, his life had meaning because of his relationships with others. He was closely connected with his brothers and sisters in Christ and those friendships brought him great joy. Happiness comes when we are other-centered. It comes from serving God and serving others not from indulging our own wants. Although suffering can disrupt happiness, it is powerless to stop a meaningful life. Even when we are hurting, we must invest in what matters most—relationships, with God and with others. There are unhappy people everywhere, and there are happy people everywhere. Happiness does not come from the circumstances we live in, but from God living in us.

Who is the most joy-filled person you know? How does being around them make you feel? Who is the most negative and unhappy person you know? How does being around them make you feel? Do people want to be around you? If so, why? If not, why? Do small inconveniences sap your joy or does it take something significant to shake you? How do you retain inner joy when things don’t go as you planned? How do you retain inner joy when life is filled with pain?

Strength comes from nourishment. Spiritual nourishment is God’s word. Ingest what builds you up and fortifies you for the tough times. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Your strength is the joy of the Lord. Beef up!!

Pray – Dear God, you give life meaning and purpose. Guide my thoughts and my heart that I might not fall into the world’s false promises of happiness. Help me cling to the joy I have in you. Allow my joy to grow deep roots as I grow closer to you. In Jesus Name I pray, amen.

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