
Distance from Peace— 7/05/20

Once upon a time, a king offered a prize to anyone in his kingdom who would paint the best picture that would convey a sense of peace. Many artists submitted their works and the king narrowed it down to two paintings. One painting was of a calm lake that was a perfect reflective mirror for the majestic snowcapped mountains that were all around it. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Everyone who saw the painting thought it was a winning visual description of peace. The other painting also had mountains but they were rugged and bare. There was a dark stormy sky with a flash of lightning and rain pouring down. On the side of one of the mountains was a waterfall rushing downward. The painting seemed out of place in a contest to picture what peace looks like. But when a person looked closely at the second painting, they could see that behind the waterfall a small green bush was growing in a crack in the rocks. In the bush was a bird nest which was just a few feet away from the rush of the water. In the nest was a mother bird sitting on her eggs looking like she was in perfect peace. The king chose that painting. He explained his reasoning when he said, “Peace isn’t meant to be a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. Peace is meant to be in the midst of all those things and still having a calm in your heart. That is the real meaning of peace.”

John 14:27; Romans 5:10; Colossians 1:20; Philippians 4:6-7; John 20:19

“I give you peace, the kind of peace that only I can give. It isn’t like the peace that this world can give. So don’t be worried or afraid.” John 14:27

The biblical concept of peace does not focus on the absence of trouble in our lives. Biblical peace is unrelated to our circumstances whether it’s Covid-19 or a mortgage payment that is past due or a child who is seriously ill. We’ve all known Christians who were in the middle of trials and troubles in life and they still had peace. Where does a person find the kind of peace that is not dependent on the absence of troubling circumstances? Where do we find the kind of peace that can’t be affected by trouble, danger or sorrow? It’s ironic that the most definitive statement on peace in the Bible comes from Jesus on the night before He died in agony on the cross. He knew what He was facing in less than 24 hours yet He still took time to comfort His disciples with His message of peace found in John 14:27.

Is it possible for you personally to have the peace of God when you are troubled and burdened by unsettling life circumstances? If so, what is something you do to experience that peace? Do you believe a person is able to have the peace of God without first having peace with God? (Explain your answer.) How hard has it been for you to experience the peace of God during the Covid-19 pandemic? What would you say to a Christ follower who was struggling with knowing the peace of God in their lives?

If you are struggling with the peace of God in your life, then consider the Apostle Paul’s words in Philippians 4:6. In that passage, he said we need to do three things to experience God’s peace: #1 Don’t worry. #2 Pray and tell God what you need in everything you are facing. #3 Thank God for what He has already done for you in the past.

Dear Lord Jesus, I need the peace that only you can give to those who love and follow you. Life isn’t always easy and filled with happy and carefree times for me and my family. I want the peace you promised to give me even though I have days that are difficult and hard. Let me set an example before my friends and family as a follower of Christ that knows the peace of God even in the midst of trouble, sorrow and pain. In your precious name I pray, Amen.

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