
Crazy • Isn’t That Crazy – 11/15/20

Hadassah, known as Esther, was the descendant of Jews taken captive when Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem. Years pass, kings pass and what was once Babylon is now Persia. Xerxes King of Persia holds a competition to replace the queen who embarassed him in front of his officials and friends. Esther is chosen, but her nationality and family background are not revealed. Esther finds herself in a distressing situation when a high official (Haman) convinces the king to set a date for extermination of the Jews. Esther’s cousin Mordecai makes her aware of the impending genocide and asks her to intervene with the King. Mordecai has raised Esther as his own child since her parents death. How does a young orphan girl who is elevated to Queen become the savior of her people? 

Scriptures – Es 2:10, 15, 17, 3:9, 4:13-14, 16, 5:3-4, 8, 7:3-4, 6; 2 Ch 16:9; Pr 15:22


“Don’t think for a moment that because you’re in the palace you will escape when all other Jews are killed. If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” (Es 4:13-14)

The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him. (2 Ch 16:9)


The way in which Esther handled her situation gives great insight into facing difficult situations in our own lives. What did she do right? First, she sought, listened to and took advice. She accepted advice from Hegai, the eunuch in charge of the harem. Without his guidance she might not have become queen. Her uncle’s wisdom also was key in her decision-making both before the threat to the Jews and during her time of decision. Next, Esther trusted God completely. No doubt, she had fears. Her nationality would be revealed in her appeal to the king. Also, the very act of entering the king’s presence uninvited was cause for execution. She trusted God and took the necessary risks to accomplish her mission. And Esther developed a plan. Please read the book of Esther. It is truly one of my favorite Bible stories. Esther carefully planned two banquets for the king and Haman (the official who had orchestrated the annihilation of the Jews). Her patience and approach to the situation put her in the perfect position of favor and influence with the king. Her efforts allowed the Jews to defend themselves and she literally saved her people. As 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, the Lord is searching for those whose hearts are fully committed to him and he will strengthen them to do his work, to fulfill his plan. 


Do you listen to advice? Whose advice do you take? Are your advisers Godly, wise, competent, knowledgeable? What does “trusting God completely” mean to you? When is a time that you trusted God completely? What risks have you taken as part of what God has called you to do? Do you formulate a plan before you launch into a conflict or situation that is difficult? 


Commit to God. Start by spending time with him, in the word, in prayer, listening to his voice and guidance. Prepare your heart. Allow God to move you in the direction he wants you to go.


Dear God, I want to be used by you to make a difference in this world and for your kingdom. Help me to listen to Godly advice and to move forward in your strength. Calm my fears and calm my heart when the way is difficult. I want to be fully committed to you. Use me, strengthen me and guide me. In Jesus Name I pray, amen.

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