
Crazy • Crazy Town – 11/22/20

We do many things we don’t want to do. We get up and don’t really want to go to work, but we go because it’s what we’re supposed to do (and we need to keep our job). We get invited to many events and celebrations that we are obligated to attend. We have other things we’d rather do, but we do what’s expected of us. We have chores and duties around the house, commitments to our spouse, children, family members. Much of our time is spent doing what we must do. Yet, when it comes to church, devotion, prayer, Bible reading, serving and giving to God, we choose to pass. We don’t HAVE to. God gives us a choice, but we often don’t choose Him. Not Choosing God first is the equivalent of missing your morning shower, not brushing your teeth and having no coffee or breakfast. If you are living a life that is “OFF,” there is a remedy. Paul says we bring every thought into obedience to Christ. (2 Co 10:5) That means that even when we don’t feel like it, we exercise discipline to make our thoughts line up with God, then our actions will line up. Even if you don’t feel like worshipping, you worship. Not worshiping God is like running in the dark, without a compass, a plan, or a hope for anything more. God is everything! 

Scriptures – Ph 4:13; Mt 19:26; Ps 73:3-5, 16-18, 21-28; 2 Co 10:5; Ac 16:25-26; Hb 3:17-19; 2 Ch 20:18, 20:21-22


We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ. (2 Co 10:5) …until I went into the sanctuary of God; then I perceived their end. (Ps 73:17-18) But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord God my refuge, to tell of all your works. (Ps 73:28)


Psalm 73 identifies many of the wonderful, healing effects of worship. In worship we find perspective. As we focus on God our situation is clarified; we realize that God is in control no matter how crazy our circumstances may seem. Worship also reveals the condition of our hearts. We are often stupid and ignorant in our emotional response to life’s challenges. Our feelings quickly overtake us, and our thoughts and actions follow suit if we do not put them in check. Worship humbles our heart and helps us to rid ourselves of the selfish and evil motives that compel us. Worship brings us into God’s presence and reminds us of His love. Ps 73:26 says that God is my strength and my portion forever! My portion! What does that mean? I get a portion of pie (for instance). That portion is mine…completely mine. When God is my portion, what more could I possibly need? Whatever comes, hurt, disappointment, fear, worship changes your heart. Things look different. God is much bigger than anything you will ever face. Worship always wins. It is an act of faith, a statement of trust!


How do you bring your thoughts into obedience to Christ? Give an example. How do you worship? Describe a worship experience that was especially memorable. How important is worship to your spiritual, emotional and physical health? Why? When have you praised God in difficult times? How were you able to do this? How did it play out? 


Set aside time each day for worship. Don’t allow a full schedule to keep you from the most important part of your day! Keep a calendar of your worship times and write notes about your experience. As you learn to enter God’s presence on a regular basis, you will experience a relationship you never dreamed you could have with our Amazing Father.

Prayer – Ps 8:1

O Lord, Our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth. You have set your glory above the heavens. Gracious Father, may I worship you for all that you are and all that you’ve done! In Jesus Name I pray, amen.

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