
BUILT – Built to Last – 6/20/21

Nearly half of Americans say they are truly lonely. We often think that loneliness is when a person is isolated from others; however, loneliness has nothing to do with a lack of contact, either in person or via social media. You can be in a crowd and be lonely, have 1000 friends on social media and be lonely. No one sets out to live life without friends. Most people want to have friends and all of us need friends. It’s part of God’s design. We are not built to do life alone. When God made the world, He created Adam and placed him in a perfect environment, and yet, God said, “It is not good for man to be alone.” Therefore, He created Eve so that the two of them would have friendship and companionship. Most of us have numerous acquaintances, people we speak to, have casual conversations with. Then we probably have a few companions with whom we work, go to school, workout at the gym, etc. However, a committed friend, a close friend is a rare find. We need a friend or two who are kind, considerate, honest, hold us accountable, challenge us and encourage us, all the while forgiving and overlooking our faults and failures. Do you have friend like that? 

Scriptures – Pr 27:19, 18:24, 17:9, 11:13, 24:26, 27:17, 17:17

Verse – A mirror reflects a person’s face. But what they are really like is shown by the friends they choose. (Pr 27:19) Love overlooks the mistakes of others, but dwelling on the failures of others devastates friendships. (Pr 17:9) An honest answer is the sign of a true friendship. (Pr 24:26) As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. (Pr 27:17)

Thought – What are the characteristics of true friendship? 1) True friends are confidential. A friend can listen and be trusted. They care so deeply about you that they would never violate your trust.  2) True friends can be candid, open and honest. A friend will tell you the truth, even when it’s painful. They will challenge you and hold you accountable. 3) True friendships are constructive. They influence you in a positive way. They don’t drain you and leave you depleted. Friends build each other up and cheer each other on! A true friend is not jealous of your success or accomplishments. They feel joy when you are blessed. 4) A true friend is dependable and can be counted on. They stand by you even when it’s inconvenient, exhausting and when you don’t deserve it. True friendship comes with a cost. A true friend is available and makes time for you. A true friend, helps you grow as a person and spiritually. True friendship makes your life better.

Questions – Do you have one or two “true” friends who exemplify the characteristics above? If so, how did that friendship develop to this point of trust? Have you ever had someone you believed to be a “true” friend betray you? What did they do? Were you able to repair the relationship? Have you ever betrayed a friend? What did you do? Were you able to repair the relationship? 

Response – If you don’t have a true friend, start looking. You know in short order if a person seems to be the type that would be a good friend. Make yourself available to them and work on the relationship. If you have a true friend/s, make time for them. Let them know you appreciate them. Pray for them and thank God for them.

Prayer – Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for wanting a relationship with me. Thank you for always being with me and for me. Thank you for the wonderful, Christian friends you have placed in my life. Help me to appreciate them as I should, pray for them, support them, and be for them the friend they deserve. In Jesus Name I pray, amen!

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