
Beats – Major Key

Near the end of his life David wrote the words we read in Ps 27:23-24. David took a lot of steps between the time he was anointed by Samuel to be the future King of Israel and the time when he was actually anointed as King of Israel. After defeating Goliath, serving in Saul’s army and playing the harp for Saul’s comfort in the palace, David became the target of Saul’s vengeance. Running for his life, hiding in caves and exiled from his homeland, David’s future seemed bleak. It was hard to see how the Lord was ordering his steps. But in later years, he could see that God’s hand was on him every step of the way. David sought God and made his decisions based on God’s guidance. Though the road was difficult, it eventually led exactly where God had promised and planned from the very start, to the throne of Israel.

Scriptures – 1 Sa 1:23, 16:1; 2 Sa 2:1, 4; Ps 37:23-24; Jn 16:13

The steps of a good person are ordered by the Lord; and they delight in his way. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand. (Ps 27:23-24)

When David learned that Saul had died, he mourned. Although Saul had been hunting David for years, David still felt sorrow for what had been lost. He took pause, rather than immediately celebrating and rushing to grab the throne. David wrote a song in tribute to Saul and his sons which is recorded in 2 Samuel 1:19-27. After some time had passed David asked God’s guidance as to how and when to proceed. We all must make many decisions along life’s way. Perhaps they are not life and death decisions nor do they involve assuming the throne of a kingdom, but we can still learn from David’s example. David lived in submission to God’s will, and God told David to go to Hebron in Judah. There he was anointed as King of Judah, but 7 ½ years passed before he also became King of Israel (uniting the Kingdoms). God works in steps and stages. Because David submitted to God, and moved in accordance with the steps and stages God had ordered, he reached his promised and planned purpose, to be the King of Israel. David couldn’t be king until he learned to be a shepherd. There was something he needed to get at the bottom that would help him at the top. Your steps are ordered. It means God not only knows where and what but he also knows when. You can trust God. There will be struggles and failures along the way, but remember the Lord holds your hand.

Do you believe God speaks to you? How has he spoken to you in the past? When have you felt that your steps were not leading toward your purpose? Have you been able to look back and see that in times of difficulty your steps were ordered by God, even though it didn’t feel that way at the time? Have you ever tried to force God’s plan? How did that turn out? Do you have a decision with which you are struggling? If so, why are you struggling? Do you know what you should do, but don’t want to? Or do you truly not know God’s will in this situation? How do you move forward?

Ask God for guidance in your decisions and trust that even if his answer isn’t what you want, he knows best. He sees the end from the beginning. You can trust God.

Gracious Lord, prepare my heart to hear your voice. Help my faith and trust to grow as I follow the steps you have ordered for me. Make me submissive to your will and allow your plan to unfold for my life. In Jesus Name I pray, amen!

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