
All I Want for Christmas – Home for Christmas – 12/6/20

God created us in His own image and He created us to enjoy relationships. In the Garden of Eden Adam walked with God; they talked and shared with each other. Then God saw that something was missing in Adam’s life. He needed the companionship of another person, so God created Eve. Many people are lonely. Some have families and friends, but they still experience deep loneliness. Then, with our present covid ordeal, many have been prevented from spending time with even closest family and friends. It has also kept people from attending worship and gathering with their Christian brothers and sisters. We were all created with a cross-shaped hole in our heart. That hole can only be filled with the love of Jesus. Pursuing a relationship with God through Christ is the only answer to our deepest and most illusive loneliness. And the value of honest and open relationships with others is vital to our spiritual, mental and physical health. Satan has devised many ways to isolate us, but covid has perhaps been one of the most effective in his arsonal. We must be pro-active in our pursuit of relationships, both with God and with others. There are ways to stay safe and still have a social life with those you love and need! Find it!


Ge 2:18; Is 7:14, 59:2, Mt 4:4; He 10:24-25, 13:5


For God has said, “I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.” (He 13:5)


Jesus left his home in Heaven and came to earth; he became flesh and blood. He was born into a new family and moved to a new home. Jesus did all this so we could come home. When we were separated from God by sin, God reached down in compassion and gave his son as the sacrifice for our sin. Jesus bridged the gap between our sinful selves and God’s holiness. We don’t have to be isolated and live with loneliness. We can have a relationship with the Creator of the Universe. We know we should pursue a relationship with God, but in reality, we don’t give enough of our time and devotion to that relationship. We need to talk with God in prayer. That involves thanking him, telling Him our struggles, asking for guidance, and pouring out our hearts to Him. We must also read God’s word and feed on his word. Allow it to permeate our lives, our homes, our relationships, our work, every area of life. Allow this Christmas season to mark a new beginning in your pursuit of God. Seek Him with passion! Allow his love to fill the lonely recesses of your soul. Build community with other believers and also with those who need to hear words filled with hope, promise and love! Come home for Christmas! Come home to God and draw near to those you hold dear!


What does “coming home” for Christmas mean to you? Is Christmas a joyful time of anticipation or a lonely time that you must get through? What’s your most memorable Christmas (good or bad)? When do you experience the most loneliness?

What can you do for someone who is in a lonely place right now? What relationships are you missing right now? What will you do to remedy that situation?


Staying close to God through prayer, Bible reading and worship are the best things you can do to battle loneliness. The next best thing is to do something for someone else. Getting your focus on others is a great way to combat loneliness.


Gracious God, you have reached down with compassion and love through the ages to help remedy humanity’s deep and profound loneliness. Help me to reach out to you more each day and to reach out to others who need the love that only you can provide. Help me to be sensitive to your Spirit. Guide me to those who need me, those who need care and concern. Help me to be an instrument of your love in word and deed. In Jesus Name I pray, amen.

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