
Agents of the Shield

shield 5 25 14d 1024x768As Christians we are called to be faithful to God and at the same time to be witnesses for God. We are to be God’s agents in this world. In John 17:14-19, Jesus prays for his disciples because he says they are not “of this world” but they are being sent “into the world” and need protection for the mission he has placed before them.

How do we protect ourselves from being shaped by the world’s influence and yet go into the world and effectively share our faith with those who desperately need God’s love and forgiveness?

In this message series we will look at the life of Daniel and how he confidently maintained his values and honored the one true God while working and living in a pagan culture. We too live in a world that is hostile to the things of God, but as agents of Jesus Christ we can live and witness to the hope and victory that God promises. Come and train with us to be effective Agents of the Shield!

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